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Tag: lgbtqia!
Coded works, coded lives
Wherein a biography of John Singer Sargent stirs thoughts of the balancing acts queers faced then and what we still face today.
What Men Want and What Men Look Like
reading this book, and sharing in the experiences and reminiscences, I wondered: is representation also the freedom to present your desire, unedited, uncoded, uninhibited for those that share the desire? We bond over not being the same, but wanting the same.
Engaged Buddhism
Making art is my path of engaged Buddhism–the radical act of creating beauty and using imagination to point the way to a better world.
Spartacus, queer hero
I can’t capture the entirety of queer experience in any single work or art. But, I can strive, one step at a time, one canvas at a time, to tell better stories than what I had in my formative years.
The Path of Least Respectability
My art is a celebration of the erotic not just for pleasure alone, but pleasure as activism, pleasure as pathway to liberation.
John Carter, but make it gay!
The gay erotic surrealism of Burrough’s hyper-masculine hero John Carter unpacked through the medium of a new oil painting
We are not free labor, we are not the product!
Imagine, if you will, our own queer, smutty twittergram where we share our work and our thoughts without fear of algorithmic erasure, trolls, or weaponized reports.
Exclusively Queer?
When you start to engage with the cishet power brokers and gatekeepers, pundits and pontificators, you’ll often get the well-intentioned advice to straighten it up or go nowhere.
Thicc of Heart
How did we come to a place where physique is the realm of toxic masculinity?
Chasing the Flame, intro
Humanity has spread across the stars. But law and order failed out there just as they did on Earth. Certain individuals stand prepared to step in where needed.