oil painting of muscular, nude, male angel against a pristine blue sky, graced by large magnolia blossoms. he's grinning impishly and aiming a golden bow and arrow at an unseen target

An angel has no memory

Today, I’d like to celebrate that magical, mysterious, sometimes painful, moment of “knowing” a painting is done. I mean, seriously, you can keep working on the damn thing forever. “Finished” isn’t so much a distinct state or point in time as it is a decision and declaration. Put the brush down and call it done. Sometimes joyful, sometimes frustrated. Sometimes just plain exhausted.

All this to say I recently finished a painting that I was struggling with. It required three attempts before things took off. Glad I stuck with it.

My motivation here, beyond the usual celebration of male beauty, is a transgressive thrill of eroticizing angels. Perhaps a reaction to my Catholic upbringing? Perhaps angels as a symbol have erotic roots that run deeper than the Christian imagery I grew up surrounded by? Is this an uncovering, a re-discovery, reclaiming? Many so-called organized religions across history organize around taking control of the erotic as a means of consolidating political and economic control. So, darlings, let’s play around with one of their symbols, shall we? Let’s take back some of that erotic territory usurped by religion.

I also find myself suddenly drawn to the angel as a presentation of male beauty that is sensual and celebratory, rather than violent or coercive. Yes, there’s a bow and arrow. But it’s the revelation of hidden desires he’s aiming at his unseen target, not a threat of subjugation.

And the spark of inspiration, you might be wondering? At a gathering at a friend’s for some figure drawing, near Valentine’s day I believe, the model suddenly sported a pair of wings and toy bow and arrow. It was the most adorable cupid energy you could imagine. The original drawing from that night didn’t make it into he final painting, but was an important springboard to what you see here.

What’s next? Well, as I was working through my angst, this cheeky devil decided he needed some friends to join him. So, this is now the first painting in what will be a triptych of sexy angels. The second one if off to a good start and ideas are forming for the third and most majestic of the trio. Stay tuned.

The world is too damn straight!

two handsome men kissing

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